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Investment Management

Today's fast-paced markets can be challenging. Professionally managed investment options may open the investment world to you. Iowa State Bank manages money for business and individual customers.  We work with each of our customers to establish a portfolio of investments designed to meet their individual goals and objectives.  We view investment management as striving to meet goals – your goals, not ours.  We believe this approach allows us to provide our customers with high quality, competitive and consistant results.

Our equity and stock philosophy centers on long-term growth through quality investments.  Our investment style is large company oriented with each account holding shares of individual corporations that have been identified as having qualities that provide opportunities for long-term growth.  We do not emphasize "value" or "growth" but rather look to all industry segments for those companies that we feel have the potential to provide superior returns when compared to their peers.  We combine these companies into a portfolio of stocks to meet your specific objectives.

Fixed income investments provide stability for those accounts desiring predictable returns and higher income flows than available through equity investments.  Our investment approach places an emphasis on reduced volatility and consistency of investment return through the purchase of individual bonds and notes.  Regardless of the type of investment used, it must pass our internal requirements as we minimize the "credit" risk.  A "laddered" portfolio of bonds and notes with maturities meeting investment objectives is designed for each account.

For those who want to take advantage of our investment services without the formality of a trust arrangement many people use an agency account. This is a simple relationship where you hire us to manage your assets.  A preprinted agreement is signed which explains our duties and responsibilities. You deliver your securities to us and we manage them based on your guidelines. The agreement can be terminated and assets can be added or withdrawn at any time. This arrangement can be managed in three basic ways:

Custodial Account

We hold all assets, collect income and provide you with accounting on a regular basis. Bills can be paid and cash returned to you as you instruct. No investment advice or management is provided.

Investment Advisory

This service provides all of the services of a Custodial Account plus we will review your investments and make recommendations to you. You have the final say on investment decisions, but have the advantage of our recommendations.

Investment Management

This service provides all of the services of a Custodial Account plus active investment management of the assets in the account. You establish the investment guidelines and we take it from there.

NOT FDIC INSURED | May lose value | No bank guarantee